My story

I’m Siun, I’m a certified ADHD coach

and I have ADHD.


And you?


If you’re reading this, chances are you're an adult with ADHD or a parent of a child or young adult with ADHD.


And, like me, you know that some of the greatest challenges of ADHD are hidden within the everyday things: procrastination, perfectionism, doubting our ability at work, not being able to focus or being impulsive with our words, spending, eating. The list could go on. 


The thing that breaks my heart the most is the ingrained lack of self-belief that so many of us with ADHD have. 


The reason I love working doing this work is because I want to show you it doesn’t have to be this way.


I know that the life you see for yourself, but perhaps don't believe is possible, is within your reach. 


As an ADHD coach, it is my passion, my privilege to go on a journey of learning and growth with you. To learn how ADHD shows up in your life and develop tailored strategies to deal with everything from home life, work life, social life and beyond. 


You will shine a light on the grey areas of how ADHD is challenging you, get to know your strengths, values, boundaries and learn to turn the running commentary from your inner critic into a more supportive, compassionate voice.

Siun is from Ireland and lives in Prague, Czech Republic with her two children. She has 18 year experience working in different settings with Autistic individuals and neurodiverse children and adults. She is currently doing postgraduate studies in Autism with Middlesex University and was diagnosed with ADHD at 35 years of age.

Pictured above: Obligatory last-day-of-school photo on the school roof, after climbing out a very small window. I still remember the feeling of freedom more than 20 years later!